Monday, September 28, 2009

the song rocks , the video rocks

man of the moment noah lennox and Atlas Sound.

As far as i know this is a fan made vid. It works really well..

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Song for Sunday

nice song..and i think the video is simple but effective.

I dont believe any of these dudes have ever surfed , their arms are too skinny!. Brian Wilson didnt surf either..His music was alright though.....

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sometimes certain quotes just hit me...

"Never compromise a dream. Do what you must. The fears, beasts, and mountains before you are part of the plan. Stepping stones to a promised land. To a time and place that is so much closer than even you expect. So don't let your eyes deceive you, for even as you read these words, your ship swiftly approaches…"

song of the day

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Its Midweek.. its Midlake!

I love this song. Had forgotten about it though , and then i heard it while driving a few weeks back.

Also an observation ,for those of you who know me..i dont think i'd look out of place in this band.